Friday, December 19, 2008

No Fear

I am not sure that this picture really needs a lot of commentary...just be glad that you aren't our insurance company!!

My Dining Room Makeover

We have a small space that was intended, and used for the last 3 years, as a formal dining room. The word "formal" being the deciding factor, we passed on all of our hand-me-down dining room furniture and we now have so much more room to live. We built a desk for homework and computer play. We painted a family tree. We added a rug and here is our new space.

*If you don't like your picture on our tree, or if it is missing completely (Nana and Grandpa) then please send us one that you like!! I really want the kids to feel connected to family, and knowing faces is the most important.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This is the garden spider that has been living on my front porch for the last 5 months. We lovingly refer to him as "Kong." I know that many of you may wonder why I haven't "disposed" of him long ago but I guess I feel like keeping him around is an educational experience for the kids. I mean, sometimes they do throw moths into his web. Plus, I don't have a shoe big enough for the disposal. I guess it's my, more eco-friendly version of my brothers' spider jars.