Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Sneeze Pee!

I have heard of this phenomenon...the sneeze pee...but until last night it was just a whispered, or alluded to, ghost to me. I actually have always prided myself on my super strong bladder...seemingly untainted by four angry pregnancies and inumerable long road trips with few stops. Last night, however, my bladder let me down and in the middle of a very violent sneeze I leaked. I was shocked and embarrased but my reaction was a frighten fit of laughter which only added to my leakage. No one in my home knew what had contributed to my apparent lapse in sanity. Infact, my little children hid behind my big children. Looking back I am sure I was a perfect picture of lunacy...hysterically laughing and then leaking and then laughing some more. Fortunately, I am cured of both the laughing and the least until my next monster sneeze!!


B and B said...

I can not believe that you chose to share that over the internet...haha but that is very funny!!!

The Mighty Yam said...

That happens to me with gas.