Friday, April 3, 2009

A Freshman??

Michael, my little baby, is going to be a Freshman. I have known all along that it was coming but within the last week we have actually had to do a little paperwork and even visit the High School. While he is ecstatic and completely confident about the move I am more reticent...o.k. totally freaked out by it all. I can't figure it out. I loved High School...almost every minute of it. I look forward to my children having equally enjoyable experiences. I have confidence that Michael is well adjust and prepared. I am just freaking out! Here are a few interesting facts about San Clemente High School that contribute to my freaking:

*larger square footage than Disneyland (seriously)
*over 900 incoming Freshmen
*over $1,000 fee to play soccer
*$400 to ride the bus
*off campus Seminary
*Oh, did I mention over 900 incoming Freshmen

I also think that having all three of my kids at one school, and so close to home, has spoiled me. I know and love all of their teachers. I know and love all of the staff. I am there enough that I feel connected and apart of their education. When he moves on up to SCHS I will be one of 1,800 Freshmen parents, with no pull, no voice, no connection. My son will be on his own, and I will have to let him be that way! FREAKING OUT OVER HERE!!!! Sending him to Kindergarten was rough but this is WAY WORSE!!!!!

Why can't he just stay little!!

Yes, he is taller than me...but barely!!


B and B said...

Oh man...I am freaking out with you...but I freaked out when he went into 5th grade, then 6th, then 7h, then 8th... so I cant really complain.

erica said...

now i'm freaking out more than when you went. he's so good though...and i'm sure you'll be able to be involved. 1000$ for soccer!!!????

Stacie said...

Oh my. I can't believe the size of that school--it's crazy to think that he will probably never meet half of the kids in his class, let alone another grade. I knew basically my ENTIRE graduating class, plus plenty of the kids in other grades!! So weird!!!!!