Friday, April 15, 2011

My Hot Mess

Michael has had a rough couple of months. In January he started passing out...just short, two or three second episodes. At first it started out happening once a week and quickly it was happening more often until he was passing out at least once a day. His doctors are baffled. They sent him in for lots of cool tests which he passed with flying colors.

His blood work came back normal.


Electroencephalogram(EEG)...No Abnormalities!

Then to make things interesting we also made trips to the ER for a

dislocated patella (knee cap) and two weeks later a knee sprain.

And now, just to keep me on my toes... A dog bite!! Awesome!!

At least there have been no broken bones *knock on wood*!! My poor boy is one "hot mess."

1 comment:

B and B said...

I think I remember keeping my shirt ON during my EEG..hum...