Saturday, October 8, 2011


We have had a fun summer! Let me reiterate...we have had a FUN summer. We have gone to water parks and National Parks. We have gone sky diving and diving board diving. We have ridden trains and trained frogs. We have hiked thousands of feet high and strolled a mile high. We have laughed and loved family and friends. We have played hard.
And through it all, deep down in an almost unreachable area of my heart, there has been a tiny bit of worry. A tiny prick of concern. When it's all over, when the summer ends and real life begins...we still don't have a place to call home. I know that we will. I know that the Lord has a plan for us. I know that Ben is in Virginia right now probably walking through the perfect place for our family to call home but in the meantime...until I get the A-OK we are, for all intents and purposes, a homeless bunch. We are gypsies, living off the love and hospitality of family and friends.
I am loving it mostly. Homelessness comes with very little responsibility. No one will ask for your help. No one will expect you to bring anything to a pot luck or babysit their children. No one will ask you to teach a church lesson or volunteer in a classroom. No one will want you to run a committee or even vote. People are very forgiving if your children wear clothes that don't match or if they come to scouting activities without the correct gear. However, hands down the best perk of homelessness is that I face no accountability for my own poor behavior or that of my children. Have a temper tantrum...blame it on the homelessness. Over eat.....blame it on the homelessness. Sleep late.....blame it on the homelessness. Pass gas, very noisily, in the middle of church.....blame it on the homelessness. It's been a very fun, irresponsible, unaccountable summer.
BUT, I miss having a home!

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