Sunday, February 8, 2009


Michael and Jasen are starring in their Middle School production of GREASE! Michael plays Danny Zucco and Jasen plays Sonny. We took these pictures for advertising posters. They perform at the end of the month.
Danny and Sandy
The T-Birds
They really are having such a great time!


Stacie said...

That is SO COOL!!! I love Grease! I wish I could come see them perform!

B and B said...

Oh they look soo good!!! I wish I could come out there to see them!! I miss you all!!

Sara said...

I can't tell you how jealous I am of Michael & Jasen. It is my life long dream to star in Grease! Oh I wish I could be there!!!! Does Michael have a solo? If so, yeah for him!! One question: Did they tone down the play at all for the middle school audience?

Andrea (the Mom) said...

We wish you could all be here as well!! Michael sings "Sandy" or "Stranded at the Drive In" as a solo. He also sings "Summer Nights" "Grease Lightning" "The One That I Want" and "We Go Together." Jasen sings in Summer Nights", "Grease Lightning," and "We Go Together." We definitely had to change lots of lyrics and tone it pregnancies or boob grabbing...but it's basically the same story. Honestly, the story kinda bugs me. I hate that a cute, good girl has to change to fit in. Oh, well! It's all for fun, right?