Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Last night Spencer found a pretty pink "Pooh Bear" night gown in his pajama drawer. Although he knew it belonged to his sister, he immediately took ownership and pulled it on...after all it was in his drawer. I didn't mind, Emma didn't mind and he was thrilled. He walked around twirling, swaying and enjoying his new found freedom from pants.

As the night wore on we all seemed to forget about his inseam freedom in his pretty pink night gown--until guests arrived.

Greg's family was moving and he needed a place to crash for the night.
Corey, an RM friend, decided to come to Cali for the week and we got to be his "home-base."
They both arrived about the same time, and when Spencer came down stairs to see what the commotion was about he was excited to see two of his favorite men...until realization hit. *It's important to note that no one said a word about his outfit. His little round face spoke volumes. His eyes rounded like saucers and his cheeks flared. His lips pursed and he physically shuddered. He had been caught in "girl clothes."

He ran to me and hid under a blanket for the rest of the evening...his only utterance..."Pooh is a BOY!!"

We all had a great laugh over his embarrassment that night after he had gone to bed. I was certain that the incident would be forgotten.

The next morning, while we all rushed around the kitchen, dishing up Captain Crunch and Cocoa Puffs, Spencer strode into the room. He wore camoflauged shorts, cowboy boots and a black hoodie, decorated with skulls. "Everyone," he announced at the top of his four year old voice, "this is a BOY shirt."

I need to be a little bit more careful about sorting his clothes from now on!!


Michelle said...

Hahahaha!!! That is So hilarious! I love him!
Ok so next week sometime Thursday expect some girls to come party at your house! :) Thank you again for letting us come crash! We are SO excited!

Sara said...

That is hilarious!!!