Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School!!

Mom: So, Emma, how was your first day of 2nd Grade?
Emma: I can't believe how much longer you have to go to school in 2nd Grade...I was there ALL DAY!!

Mom: So, Jasen, how was your first day of 7th Grade?
Jasen: Man, there are a lot of cute new Angel and Heaven...seriously, what are the odds of that?

Mom: So, Michael, how was your first day of High School?
Michael: Oh, you know, a rockin' and a rollin' and a what not!!

Mom: So, Spencer, how was your first day of Preschool?
Spencer: Fun..did you know they have "time out" in Preschool?


Stacie said...

What cute pictures!! And funny children!

Sara said...

Your kids are sooo photogenic!!!! I love the comments, especially Spencers. Did he get put in time out or something?

Michelle said...

So hilarious! love it! it was so fun to stay with you and get to spend time with your kids. Andrea-you are an amazing Mom!