Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spray Paint

I just sprayed black spray paint into my face! I know what you are thinking. What the heck?! Let me explain...

Tomorrow is Jasen's play. It is entitled "A Musical Disaster." The plot revolves around Dorothy being blown away from the land of Oz by a tornado, only to find herself being chased by a winged monkey through many different musicals. I will post video later...that is if I dare step foot into public later.

I realized that we hadn't finished the tornado portion of the props and so, even though it's super late and I am a little bit drowsy, I went into the garage to finish spray painting the tornado...I am just good like that.

Well, I sprayed a little black and then I sprayed a little tan. Then I decided it needed more black, so in a rush to be done I picked up the can and pressed the little blue button on top. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!
I took a shot straight to the face! I gasped, dropped the can(which by the way, sprayed my bare foot as it hit the ground)and ran into the bathroom praying the damage would be limited.

I swear on everything holy, I looked like I had a full moustache and beard. BLACK, I might add. I threw off my glasses, also now speckled black, and began scrubbing my face with a hand towel and water. My new color didn't budge. Whimpering, I scrubbed harder and slowly the black began to fade. I grabbed a bottle of nail polish remover and wet the towel. After 10 minutes of serious exfoliation my face and neck seem to be mostly normal.

If you see me in the next few days and notice a dark tint to the lower half of my face, just please ignore it. If I rudely run into you or ignore you all together just chalk it up to the fact that I am out of contact lenses and I just spray painted my only pair of glasses black!!

Yeah, me!!!


Chad Blakely said...

I would've loved to have seen a pic of you with the spray paint mustache!!

erica said...

next time there is a hickey on the forehead, a suction cup to the ceiling or a spray painted face, oh take pictures!

Luna Stephan said...

Wow -- that sounds like something I'd do (let's hear it for the hopelessly klutzy!) Hope you recover from your ordeal soon!
