Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Girls Camp 2012

I had the privilege of being the leader to 24 fabulous girls from my ward at the LDS Fredericksburg Stake Girl's Camp in June. 

Camp was held at wonderful Camp Snyder, a Boy Scout facility near Manassas, VA.  We stayed in large tents set up on platforms and slept on cots.  We ate our lunches and dinners in an air conditioned dining hall. 

Despite the 100 degree heat, the 60% humidity and the bugs we enjoyed a ropes COPE course, archery, BB guns, canoeing, paddle boating, hiking, a pool with slides, firesides, classes on friendship, optimism and making good life choices and we REALLY enjoyed each other. We sang songs, played games, stole mascots, watched stars and did crafts. We laughed, we cried, we cheered, we giggled, we danced, we we hugged, we perspired and we LOVED. 

My top five Girl's Camp phrases:
#5-Put on your shoes!
#4-Check for ticks!
#3-I can't believe you just said that.
#2-Do you have water?

I slept a total of 17 hours for the week, got two ticks and a gorgeous heat rash. I also made new friends and feel like I have emotionally adopted 24 beautiful daughters.  It was awesome and I would do it again tomorrow!!

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