Friday, January 2, 2009

Our 2008 Book List

These are the books that Ben and I have read this year. I don't know about Ben for sure but I can say for myself that any judgement towards me with regards to the quality or wholesomeness of these books please keep to yourself. The only three books that I can, in good conscience, really recommend are As I Have Loved You, which I read with my ward Book Club and The Watsons go to Birmingham, and To Kill a Mockingbird, both of which I read along with Michael for his 8th grade literature class. I know that doesn't say much for the remainder of my list but hey...I have like three minutes a day to read really needs to be silly, mindless and light. Plus, Janet Evanovich empowers her heroines with guns, hand cuffs, pepper spray and tasers. I love it!!

Ben’s List 2008
1. “Band of Brothers” by Stephen E. Ambrose
2. “Piercing the Darkness” by Frank E. Peretti
3. “Empire” by Orson Scott Card,
4. “The Vampire Diaries, The Awaking & The Struggle” by L.J. Smith
5. “The Vampire Diaries, The Fury & Dark Reunion” by L.J. Smith
6. “Breaking Dawn” by Stephenie Meyer
7. “Blood Canticle” by Anne Rice
8. “Ultra Marathon Man” by Dean Karnazes
9. “The Gift of Valor” by Michael M. Phillips
10. “Seventh Son” by Orson Scott Card
11. “The Forgotten Soldier” by Guy Sajer
12. “First to Fight” by Victor H. Krulak
13. “Brisingr” by Christopher Paolini

Andrea’s List 2008
1. “Privleged Information” by Stephen White
2. “As I Have Loved You” by Kitty De Ruyter Bons
3. “Remember Me” by Sophie Kinsella
4. “The Convenient Wife” by Betty Neels
5. “The Vampire Diaries, The Awaking & The Struggle” by L.J. Smith
6. “The Vampire Diaries, The Fury & Dark Reunion” by L.J. Smith
7. “Breaking Dawn” by Stephenie Meyer
8. “One for the Money” by Janet Evanovich
9. “Two for the Dough” by Janet Evanovich
10. “Three to get Deadly” by Janet Evanovich
11. “Four to Score” by Janet Evanovich
12. “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
13. “Hot Six” by Janet Evanovich
14. “Seven Up” by Janet Evanovich
15. “The Robinsons Go to Birmingham” by Christopher Paul Curtis
16. “Hard Eight” by Janet Evanovich
17. “To the Nines” by Janet Evanovich
18. “Eleven on Top” by Janet Evanovich
19. “Twelve Sharp” by Janet Evanovich
20. “Lean Mean Thirteen” by Janet Evanovich
21. “Plum Lovin’” by Janet Evanovich
22. “Plum Luck” by Janet Evanovich


The Mighty Yam said...

Ben, what did you think of Brisingr?

Did you also read This Present Darkness?

Andrea (the Mom) said...

I really liked Brisingr. I haven't read This Present Darkness though. I would really like to read it though. Right now I am reading an Orson Scott Card book, "Red Prophet." I am also reading a book called "Killing Rommel." Both are pretty good.

Sara said...

How did you remember all the books you read? That's pretty impressive. I just read a vampire book that was okay "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley. You should check it out, but like you said I can't vouch for it being totally squeaky clean.