Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spencer and Super Smash Bros!

Whoever said that "video games are terrible for physical development" has never watched the four year old at our house play Super Smash Bros. BRAWL!!
Imagining phrases like...
"You wanna piece of me?"
"See what happens when you play with the big guns!" and the ever popular..
"NOT FAIR!" will help to heighten your "Spencer Smash" experience!
If only they made an "Early Bird Special-O'neill Outlet Sale" video game with all the running, pushing, sorting and grabbing...I would be thin in no time!!


B and B said...

I especially like Emma sitting there playing like nothing is happening and saying nonchalantly "Your so silly!"

B and B said...

Your house looks beautiful- by the way- I havent been there in SO LONG. I like the new art work!

erica said...

so much for 'finger exercising' video games. he's really movin'

The Mighty Yam said...

I miss you guys. He is getting so big!