Thursday, January 6, 2011

Caramel Apple Empanadas

Ben and I went out on a fabulous date Saturday night...and we didn't go to Costco. We went to Best Buy and then Wal-mart. Whoot-whoot!! For dessert we hit up the Taco Bell drive-thru and ordered two Caramel Apple Empanadas.

A crispy golden pastry pocket filled with chunks of warm apples in creamy caramel sauce.

It was a very chilly evening and we were both looking forward to the warm, melty caramel apple delight. As we drove out of the parking lot and onto the street we both bit into our empanadas. In an instant we were screaming, swerving, puffing and swatting. The caramel sauce was at near 1000 degrees and as we broke the crispy, golden, pastry seal it dribbled down both of our chins burning a path of sweet and gooey goodness. Reaction or instinct, maybe both, made us wipe the lava-like substance from our chins, searing the skin and muscle from our hands. Traffic around us blurred in a mass of honking, swearing and lights. We barely made it home alive and will forever be the scalding decadence.

OK, so maybe I am slightly exaggerating...but not about the delisciousness of the Caramel Apple Empanada! They rock!


Jenifer said...

I have never tried those. But My new love is the Carmel Cheesecake bites at Del Taco. If you haven't tried them... DO! they are to die for! I just got them the other day and the girl asked if I'd had them rolled in the Churro cinnamon sugar... oh my heavens! Even better!!!

The Mighty Yam said...

It would go well with ice cream.

B and B said...

I agree- The taste is so worth the burn!!