Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Fortune or Miracles...They Are the Same To Us!

The last few weeks our little family has been richly blessed.

First of all, three weeks ago we received word that Michael has been anonymously sponsored by one of our San Clemente 1st Ward friends to attend the National Boy Scout Jamboree, taking place the last week of July in Washington, D.C. This is a chance of a lifetime and over $3300. His troop is leaving on July 21st and touring New York City and Philadelphia before making their way to D.C where they will take part in all of the amazing festivities. They get home around August 4th. Michael is so excited and is making new friends quickly in his Jambo troop!

Second major blessing, Jasen entered an essay contest and won a full scholarship to Yosemite Sierra Summer Camp, $2400. He wrote about why he wanted to go away to a summer camp in Yosemite and his 15 minutes of minimal effort paid off majorly. He gets to spend 2 weeks kayaking, hiking, mountain boarding and so much more. He leaves on the 5th of July, only two days after getting home from Scout Camp. He is so excited, especially since one of his buddies also won. They will be roomies.

I feel like the heavens have opened and are raining down blessing upon us!! It has been a good couple of weeks for the Dawsons!!


Jenifer said...

That is So awesome Andrea! You have some amazing boys on your hands.... they have learned from the best!

Janette said...

Yeah!!!! So glad they will have these experiences .... they will never forget them!!!

Marianne said...

Your family totally deserves the blessings! You are awesome! Congratulations to your boys! What awesome experiences for them!