Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Fatherless Son's Campout

This blog entry is a shout out to all of the fabulous men in my ward. In a ward incorporating a military base you are bound to find fathers/husbands deployed at any given time. Men of all ages and with all different life experiences step up to the plate to teach, guide and mentor the young "fatherless" children of the ward. There is no greater example of this than at the Father's and Son's Ward Campout.

Priesthood opening exercises becomes a bidding war of who will get to take the "fatherless" on the camping trip..."Two Dawson boys, two Dawson boys, do I hear three, three Dawson boys going once, twice, sold to the brave young father of an infant daughter in the back."

I can think of 10 "fatherless" boys who were quickly fought over and divied out for the testosterone festivities. My boys were so excited. I was so excited for them.

I did however take my precautions.

After all the fire peeing, the belching and flatulating, the ab comparing and sword fighting, the surfing and sand rolling, the smore making and scary story telling had come to an end my boys were so happy. They were given something that I was unable to provide. Man time!!

Thank you San Clemente 1st Ward men for taking care of my boys! It meant more than you know!!


Bonnie said...

hey you should link your scripture reference so that people can click on it and read it.

Anyway, I loved that sharpie idea! I will have to do that for this little guy if Dave ever misses another father/son campout.

Jenifer said...

That is awesome! Glad that they had Stand in "dads" so they could be a part of things too :)