Friday, May 21, 2010

Quirky Much?

Spencer bought these glasses at the $1 store last week with his allowance. He has been dying for a pair of glasses(???) and so when he saw these readers that were in his price range he was ecstatic and has worn them off and on every day since. The coolness of the glasses increased when he realized that they were foldable and came with their own case, about the size of a pack of gum. Whether he is wearing them or not, you can bet that they are on his person.
Everyone comments at how fabulous he looks in his "new" glasses. I'm afraid he will never get rid of them. All it will take is one person to tell him how goofy he really looks and they will be banished to the dress-up box. Any takers?
He has also decided that if he eats his breakfast with two spoons he will get done faster and be able to watch cartoons before school. While it hasn't happened yet, we all remain hopeful.


Jenifer said...

that is so cute. My girls LOVE glasses and always look at them at the $dollar store too

B and B said...

He looks more and more like his Dad every day!!