Thursday, July 22, 2010

Embrace The Camera?? Not On Your Life!

I just read a really great post on someone else's blog
...super cute and inspiring...
about making sure you take pictures of yourself with your kids.
"Mom's are always behind the need/want pictures of themselves with their mothers."
I read some of the comments made by her blog followers and was inspired by the overwhelming support of the idea to photo-document not only a child's life but also a child's life with his mother, regardless of slept in velour pant suits or greasy hair.
I raised my hand in support and felt a swell of pride and community when I read about setting your camera on timer mode at least once every day this week.
I was inspired...for about 5 seconds.
It was then that I noticed that all the followers who had commented looked...well like the blogger herself...lovely. Why wouldn't you want to take pictures of yourself, in your thin bodies, perfect hair and darling clothes. Of course you can jump on that bus.
Seriously, that horrid slept in velour pant suit and greasy hair look is what I look like on a good day!
I don't want pictures of me right now...especially for my kids to look back on.
I don't want them to remember what I look like,
overweight and exhausted.
I will spend my time building solid happy memories for my children instead. Memories that after 20 years will be slightly maleable.
"Remember when we played on the Slip N' Slide for hours... and I was wearing a bikini and super tan?"
"Remember that time we did each other's nails and make up... and I was thin and had fresh highlights in my hair?"
See, I don't see anything wrong with this.
I aknowledge my selfishness and insecurities to a point but I am still photo-documenting my children's lives...have you noticed much? I just don't feel like initiating the camera's self timer at this point in my dirty clothes, stringy hair, pimple faced, chubby body life.
I can not embrace the camera!
I think I may take the "embrace the camera" challenge to heart and shoot for 6 months from now. Thanks for the wake up call Emily!


emily anderson said...

just wanted to say that i'm building solid, happy memories for my children as well. i'm just including myself in the photos, so that they remember i was there.
so sorry that this offended you, although i can't understand why...your blog header picture is adorable (with you in it)---don't you think your kids will agree?

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

dude u are a frickin HOT MAMMA!! u have got to be kidding. i KNOW ur kids would LOVE to look back on pictures of you all smiley and adorable like u are in ALL the pictures i see of you on ur blog.

you better do this woman!!! i'll be back next thursday to check it. if it's only one eyeball from ur head, i better see it!!!!!

B and B said...

I think you should take more pictures with your kids. I know I am in a depressed sappy sort of state but... seriously. When we loose someone- We have those great memories and they are wonderful, but after a while we begin to think we are fooling ourselves and pretending he's there but then you see a picture and you know it's true. He was there and he did love us- no matter what happened. So... I think they are important. Your kids don't care what you look like- you don't have to blog them- just stick them in a box, just for your kids.