Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fish vs. Fruit

Emma and Spencer went to a fun birthday party on Saturday. When they came home they were the proud owners of seven, yes SEVEN, goldfish. Now, while I love fish...they require very little care and can be eaten in an emergency...I didn't have adequate housing for SEVEN goldfish. I emptied out my large hurricane vase that I had filled with citrus fruit on the table and added water+fish to make a new and ever changing centerpiece. It was a quick fix and let's be honest...goldfish don't last that long.

On Sunday, after Primary, Emma came bounding up to me waving a small scrap of paper in her hand.

In one seven year old breath: "I told Sister J about my new fish. I told her that we didn't have a home for them so you put them in the fruit jar. I told her that I was sad that we didn't get to have fruit anymore. She was sad too. She said kids need to eat fruit. She told me that she had a fish tank we could have so that we could have fruit again. Here is her number."

She skipped away happily.

I hate it when my kids make me feel like and, even worse, look like a delinquent parent. WE STILL HAVE FRUIT!! It's just in the fridge.

I am definitely getting the Mom of the Year Award, this year. Thanks a lot, stinkin' goldfish.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love your stories Andrea they make me happy inside! Especially because I can see all of this happening in my head!
Love you!