Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Magic Man!

It was a hard morning. Sunday mornings usually are. Getting everyone ready for the day is typical, but throwing myself into the "get ready" mix, and adding the extra pomp of church clothes always seems to create a underlying layer of complication. People, especially those over 30, are more rushed and more grouchy. Unfortunately, that attitude stayed with me today as I walked into church. I gave looks of death and threatened horrible fates in dark and sinister tones as we entered the pew and sat down. My brood sat quietly, in fear for their very lives.

During the passing of the Sacrament, the most reverent and sacred moment of our entire Sunday service, Spencer leaned over and tugged urgently on my sleeve. I looked down and could instantly see by the look in his eyes, extreme excitement and delight. My initial thought was "where is the ice cream, or the puppy, or Ben?" I leaned over until my ear was in whisper range of his little grinning mouth.

"Holy crap, Mom, you aren't gonna believe this!" (I must interject here by apologizing for his irreverent and inappropriate language, that he most assuredly picked up from me.) "I am totally magic. I promise I am, I am."

He was nearly convulsing with excitement at this point, and I was actually concerned that he might forget his whispers and shout out, at which point I would be forced to throttle him in public. I hushed him gently, wrapped my arm around him, to keep him from blasting off and leaned in closer.

"Mom, mom, mom...when I close my eyes I make the lights turn off." He interpreted my stare as amazement...he interpreted incorrectly. "I know, it's awesome, huh? And, and, and...the lights turn back on when I open my eyes." He sat back from me then, folded his arms across his chest proudly and waited for my "Hallelujah!"

I stared at him for a moment longer, wondering how this innocent babe would ever survive the California public school system and then I burst into a silent spree of laughter. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my shoulders shook. To an onlooker I may have simply looked VERY repentant. I was a little repentant but mostly I was tickled. He was pleased that he brought me so much joy and hugged me hard and long. My spirits lifted and the rest of the day has been great.

I guess Spencer is a little bit magic after all.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Quirky Much?

Spencer bought these glasses at the $1 store last week with his allowance. He has been dying for a pair of glasses(???) and so when he saw these readers that were in his price range he was ecstatic and has worn them off and on every day since. The coolness of the glasses increased when he realized that they were foldable and came with their own case, about the size of a pack of gum. Whether he is wearing them or not, you can bet that they are on his person.
Everyone comments at how fabulous he looks in his "new" glasses. I'm afraid he will never get rid of them. All it will take is one person to tell him how goofy he really looks and they will be banished to the dress-up box. Any takers?
He has also decided that if he eats his breakfast with two spoons he will get done faster and be able to watch cartoons before school. While it hasn't happened yet, we all remain hopeful.

Going Buggy

Emma performed in the 2nd grade play "Going Buggy" last night and she was a huge star!! She played Little Miss Muffet and ran screaming from the stage! We are so proud of our little drama queen and look forward to her next performance, wither it be on stage or just belting out broadway in the bathroom!! We love you Emma!!

Miss Muffet and the Spider! Such good buddies!!

Little Miss Muffet

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Fatherless Son's Campout

This blog entry is a shout out to all of the fabulous men in my ward. In a ward incorporating a military base you are bound to find fathers/husbands deployed at any given time. Men of all ages and with all different life experiences step up to the plate to teach, guide and mentor the young "fatherless" children of the ward. There is no greater example of this than at the Father's and Son's Ward Campout.

Priesthood opening exercises becomes a bidding war of who will get to take the "fatherless" on the camping trip..."Two Dawson boys, two Dawson boys, do I hear three, three Dawson boys going once, twice, sold to the brave young father of an infant daughter in the back."

I can think of 10 "fatherless" boys who were quickly fought over and divied out for the testosterone festivities. My boys were so excited. I was so excited for them.

I did however take my precautions.

After all the fire peeing, the belching and flatulating, the ab comparing and sword fighting, the surfing and sand rolling, the smore making and scary story telling had come to an end my boys were so happy. They were given something that I was unable to provide. Man time!!

Thank you San Clemente 1st Ward men for taking care of my boys! It meant more than you know!!

Procrastination-My friend!!

This morning I woke up to a lake in my kitchen. A frigid, arctic lake. I love lakes. Lakes are usually lovely, serene and filled with nature's miracles. My kitchen lake, however, was NOT serene, far from lovely and filled with the bits of food, trash and a magnetic "G" that floated out from under the fridge.

It seems that at some point last evening the ice maker in my refrigerator malfunctioned and instead of creating ice cubes it just drizzled water all over my floor-ALL NIGHT LONG. Stopping the drizzle was easy enough but getting rid of the lake...not quite so simple.

Fortunately, I had my friend Procrastination on my side this morning. Instead of washing the last two loads of laundry last night (which happened to be two HUGE loads of towels) I played a Mystery Detective Computer Adventure. Thus, leaving MANY dirty towels for me to use for lake sopping. Yeah me, for putting off 'til tomorrow what could be done today!

If only I hadn't mopped the Mother's Day Ochango off of the floors...the lake and the dirty towels could have done it for me. See, I have learned a lot about the value of Procrastination this morning and I will be changing my life accordingly. I love you Procrastination, my friend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to Me!!

Spencer: "Mom, I have an emergency. I farted and I think a little poop came out."


Emma: "Mom, the floor is sticky because I spilled a HUGE glass of Ochango on it. I will go get you your favorite mop."


Michael: "I puked all night long and I think the dishwasher is broken."


Jasen: "Oh, hey Mom, I forgot to wrap these presents you bought for yourself but here they are anyway. Just pretend that the Walmart bag is pretty."


Ben: "Happy Mother's Day darling. There are a few Afghans here who kinda want to kill me."


Me: "I am good enough, I am smart enough and dog-gone it...people like me!"


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Art Show

In 2011, art by Primary children around the world will appear in an exhibit at the Church History Museum, in Salt Lake City and in an online art show. Emma and Spencer were excited to participate. These are their entries!

"Families Can Be Together Forever"

"I Love To See The Temple"

Friday, May 7, 2010

Marines now filling in as NATO trainers


Dear Stomach Flu

Dear Stomach Flu,

I am not sure if anyone has let you know but you are not a welcome visitor. The scheduled visitors this week are my Grandma Stones and my Aunt Melanie and I find it very rude that you just barge in, uninvited and unannounced.

Jasen was mortified that you showed up to meet him at school. Your gifts of vomiting and diarrhea should never have to be opened in public setting like school. He is grateful that you didn't hang out with him for long however.

Spencer on the other hand has had plenty of time with you and frankly, he has had enough. He is hungry and needs a nap. On top of it all, he is missing his Mother's Day party to hang out at home with you. You should be more considerate of people's schedules.

Emma didn't appreciate opening your first present at soccer practice in front of her team and I didn't enjoy cleaning up her second present late last night. I am not sure if you are aware but vomit covered blow dryers and curling irons are not desirable. Also, we try to avoid stains on the carpets here.

Michael and I are happy to have you leave without having received any of your gifts, and I am sure that Grandma and Melanie don't have room in their luggage to take you home to their place so please, go away and don't feel any obligation to return...EVER!!


The Dynamic Duo

These two are a riot together!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Tide Pools

Today the littles and I adventured to the Dana Point Harbor tide pools. My Grandma Stones and my Aunt Melanie are here visiting us in Southern California and we wanted them to see some of the local wild life. We saw lots of sea anenomes, barnacles, crabs, snails and even a sea star. It was lots of wet fun!

Grandma loved the sights and even touched a sea anenome! Melanie kept right up with the kids, got completely soaked and touched every creature they showed her. She is so much fun!! We have loved having them visit!!

Emma and Spencer squealed in delight at every discovery!

We love the Dana Point Harbor tide pools!